Queen, What’s your dream?

Hey Gorgeous Queen🤗🤗🤗,

What’s on your mind today? What have you been seeing in your dreams? What goals have you set that you want achieved? Are you stressed looking at the present? Are you exhausted trying to figure it all out? Are you growing tired and weary just thinking about how this, that, and everything will work out?

Let’s pause, and first get really clear about one thing: You are not required to have ALL the answers. You are not required to live a life of worry, stress, and exhaustion in the name of feeling “committed”. You are required to take care of yourself and manage your stress in a way that is productive and healthy. If you’re not taking care of yourself, will you be around to see how any of what’s worrying you will end up anyway?

Make time to think, dream, pray, and love. Make time to enjoy the present, learn from the past, and prepare for the future. Remember, as you move forward toward your purpose, God has already ordered your steps and He is guiding your feet. Cast your cares, worries, fears, stressors, and everything else on him in prayer. Your load will become lighter, your stress will be reduced, and your peace will return.

Keep the faith, and don’t die in your process. Greater awaits you, just start swimming upstream. You will find you were created much stronger than you imagined.

Love, Grace, and Joy to you!!

Hey gorgeous queen, if who we are, what we believe, and do resonates with you, welcome!!! That is wonderful 🤗🤗🤗 and you are in for a treat 🙂

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Big hugs🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️


Founder/CEO She Wears C.R.O.W.N.S.

Executive President/CEO The Wealth Success Chamber Enterprises LLC

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